It is a moment in the history of this blog, when I decided that I need to make some changes and start writing to you also in Polish. This diary of mine has loads of Polish readers and I wanted to do them all a favour. The text in Polish will be a free translation of this in the first column, and this is because Dipped in Rococo posts are mostly created inside of my head in English. Sometimes I will not write a literal translation, but things I will want to convey, you will be able to read in both languages :) After years of studying English, reading books and watching tv shows it's much easier for me to spread my wings when writing in that language. Frankly speaking, I've always had this dilemma, what language to write to you in.Of course, I recon that nowadays everyone is trying their hand at learning English, but I did not want to separate myself from readers, who just don't feel so comfortable speaking it. So here I am! :) I'll try to stick to such form of the posts. Thank you very much for a fairly large response below my last post (that I know wasn't anything special in the terms of analogue photography). Pictures come to an end, thoughts slowly pass onto a completely different track, associated with the university and how not to die this year. Several images in this post I still have from Olsztyn, when summer was still in full swing and we decided to go for a walk. Resolutions for fall? At least five hours of sleep a day. Buying a new camera. If anyone is interested in exchanging banners, new free spots will be available soon, read more here. T A L K T O Y O U S O O N! |
Nadszedł moment w historii tego bloga, kiedy zdecydowałam, że należy trochę się zmienić i zacząć pisać do Was także w języku polskim. Dużo osób z Polski tu zagląda i to właśnie dla nich. Teksty będą w wolnym tłumaczeniu z tego w pierwszej kolumnie, a to ponieważ zazwyczaj posty na Dipped in Rococo powstają w mojej głowie już po angielsku. Czasami nie będę pisać wszystkiego słowo w słowo, ale to co będę chciała przekazać, pojawi się w obu językach. Po latach nauki angielskiego, czytania książek i oglądania seriali, dużo łatwiej jest mi rozwinąć skrzydła podczas pisania właśnie w tym języku. Szczerze mówiąc, zawsze miałam ten dylemat, w jakim języku do Was pisać. Oczywiście myślę, że teraz już wszyscy próbują swoich sił w angielskim, ale nie chciałam zamykać sobie dojścia do czytelników, którzy po prostu nie czują się z nim dobrze. Tak więc jestem! :) I postaram się być w tej formie już zawsze.Bardzo dziękuję za dość duży odzew pod moim ostatnim postem, który dobrze wiem, że nie powalał pod analogowym względem. Zdjęcia się kończą, myśli powoli przechodzą na zupełnie inne tory, związane z uczelnią i tym, jak nie zginąć w tym roku. Kilka zdjęć w tym poście zostało mi jeszcze z Olsztyna, kiedy lato nadal trwało w najlepsze i zdecydowałyśmy się na spacer. Postanowienia na jesień? Przynajmniej 5 godzin snu dziennie. Kupienie nowego aparatu. Jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany wymianą banerów, to niedługo zwalniają się darmowe miejsca na taki barter, doczytajcie sobie tutaj. D O U S Ł Y S Z E N I A ! |
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Saturday, 20 September 2014
analog or digital It bugs me practically every time I develop a new roll, or see Kinfolk mag or find something inspiring in terms of photography. People can do wonders with their cameras, that is one thing I am sure of. Second, with a talent, it seriously doesn't matter whether you pick analog or digital. A good idea is still a good idea. Analog stole my heart with its light depiction. It was something I have never seen before, while regulars (B or even C-class digital devices) lacked depth that I so strongly desired. I still believe analog is a great choice (even though it is seriously a pricey hobby and supposedly it will get more and more expensive with time), but I often wonder where my future lies with photography. Maybe one day I will just switch to convenience of pluging a usb into my laptop to view my little snaps, then something will end but a new chapter of this blog will begin. Digital would be an investment for years to come, and perhaps a method of posting more regularly, not being depended on lightning conditions or not missing this perfect shot, because of taking it only once. |
socialite or introvert I am not the most social person you have met, nor I aspire to be one. Perhaps that's too bad. When you're alone, you can, colloquially speaking, fuck what everybody thinks. Be the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. After you've made a decision to share your life with somebody else, that choice no longer seems so obvious. Of course, I am not talking about a complete collisions of personalities, a party lover and the worst type of an introvert, that I shall not try to deal with. But I strongly believe that for some values in life, we should try our best not to be egocentric anymore. I am the worst kind of an egocentric, you know? But I have learnt some lessons by now, and I hope I am on a road that only goes up from now on. I don't feel this need of socializing, but that doesn't mean that because of it, I should act like less of a friend or less of a girlfriend. |
falling in love with the city
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Four days in the capital gave me a chance to experience its light touch upon my heart. It was nice for the first time not to be weighted down by my luggage, but instead walking freely, taking photographs and enjoying myself. I had a list of places to visit while in Warsaw, places recommended by friends and picked while browsing the internet opinions.
little daily disappointments.
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Kaffka Bistro has been around for over two months. we decided to visit at the end of August, giving it some time to grow and expand. By looking at the photographs of Kaffka, I got an impression that this is just the kind of a place I am going to love. White brick walls, Instagram snaps on little strings, big table, some work space, little birdy details. Sugar with white rose petals and lavender. Oh my. This is why this post is going to be filled with so much sorrow, because I really set my expectations high this time.
Fuji Superia 800,
Kaffka Bistro,
postcards from O
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
I open my eyes each morning, often awaken after a bad dream, and I crave caffeine and you. I go downstairs to quickly make myself a dose of the first one, the latter need stays unfulfilled. The most probable is that I am going to go with the flow, wherever it may lead me. I miss you, my person, very much.
I am sort of in love with the top photograph. Old town is the only place in my city where something is happening. We don't get the loud & social evenings B has, but that view of that place makes me reminisce. We are so damn old already. I still need training when it comes to 800 iso film. It's a great challenge for me, I think. Just how you learn to focus properly, you have to learn what conditions to shoot under. It's not so easy peasy. How weird is that when I get a white coffee without any art on it, I am a little disappointed? One of my favourite coffee stores in B seriously spoiled me in that respect. They get you teddy bears, tigers, and much more. Even if you're, like us, crashing their place half an hour before closing, for a late night date of cappucino.
Next week we are going to Varsovie for a couple of days, and it's lovely how hard you try to make me travel through B while I'm on my way over there. Expect some photographs once I'm back. I still have some time in my beloved O, even though all my molecules dream to be somewhere else. Time flies, seriously. Soon enough new numbers will be welcomed into my life, 8 months, year three, 2015.
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